159167 Sapper
225th Field Company, Royal Engineers, 39th Division
Age: 34
Date of Death: 24.9.17
Buried: Westoutre Churchyard & Extension II.D.9
Family history: Son of Robert and Mary Graham, Rosehill Cottage, Bonnybridge. Prior to enlisting in April 1916, he was employed with his uncle James Menzies, Joiner, Bonnybridge.
The action leading to his death
The company was engaged in repairing dugouts on the Knoll Road near Hill 60.
(Linesman Map)
The War Diary records Robert as one of the wounded:
He died of wounds received in action. In a letter to his mother the chaplain, at the Field Ambulance at Westoutre, wrote: ‘He was brought in very badly wounded, and although everything possible was done to save him, yet he passed away. It may be some comfort to you to know he was not conscious of pain. We buried him gently this afternoon in the cemetery at Westoutre.’
His section officer, from Larbert, wrote to his mother: ‘.. I took a special interest in him myself, coming practically from the same village (Larbert)…’
Medals Awarded
The British War Medal, Victory Medal.