Lieutenant William Young
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Welcome to the Ypres Salient
WW1 - The Ypres Salient Battlefields, Belgium
These are deeds which should not pass away, names that must not wither
When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs createNo trouble, no trouble in, in thy breastWhen I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs createNo trouble, no trouble in, in thy breastRemember me, remember me, but ahForget my fateRemember me, but ahForget my fateRemember me, remember me, but ahForget my fateRemember me, but ahForget my fate
This is a gallery of some, not all, the cemeteries in the Salient. Click on any image to open the gallery.
Bedford House
Bedford House Cemetary
Bandagehem (Haringhe) Cem
Zillebeke Churchyard
Bedford House
Bedford House Cemetary
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